CNHC can deal with complaints or concerns about:
If you wish to make a complaint about a CNHC registrant you can find about the process here.
There are many professional advantages for registering with CNHC Click here for details
CNHC works with a number of organisations that checks the details of practitioners’ even if they don't belong to a professional association. Please click here for the details.
In order to be eligible to be admitted to the CNHC Register, a complementary therapist must:
We have a list of courses that meet the CNHC registration criteria for some of the professions we register click here for further information
Where we do not have a published list of courses please check with your training provider directly or contact one of the relevant CNHC Verifying Organisations
If you wish to add a discipline to your CNHC registration you need to be verified for that new discipline. You also need to ensure your existing registration is up to date. If your existing registration is due to expire soon you will need to renew before adding a discipline. Click here for details
Before CNHC can consider adding a new category to the Register, we have to seek agreement from the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) that the occupation meets the criteria as set out in section 228 of the NHS and Social Care Act 2012. The PSA may need detailed information about the new category and its use in the UK before they can express a view about its acceptability as a discrete occupation.
If the PSA agrees that the occupation meets the criteria, the next issue is whether there are specific National Occupational Standards or relevant regulated qualifications for the occupation. If there are neither, then the sector would need to be able to fund a project with the Sector Skills Council, Skills for Health, to develop the National Occupational Standard.
If there are regulated qualifications, or when the new National Occupational Standards have been published in the UK National Framework, the first step in seeking CNHC agreement to open a new category on the register would be the submission of a business case addressing the following questions:
If the business case is accepted by the CNHC Board, then as the final step, the sector would be asked to make a detailed submission that satisfies CNHC’s requirements as set out in our Aspirant Professions Criteria
The registration fee is £70 for the first discipline. The fee for additional disciplines is £10 per discipline (to a maximum of four, after which it is free). See CNHC Fee Schedule