1 Role profile
1.1 The Associate Board Director plays an important role in supporting and monitoring the strategy, performance, risk, people management, and accountability of the CNHC.
1.2 They share responsibility with the Board, for example, in the success of our organisation, providing informed independent and objective support and on occasions, challenge, to the work of the senior team.
1.3 The Associate Board Director will not participate in any formal vote at Board, nor would they be required to regularly attend the Board, but they will have exposure to Board level discussions and decisions and may also sit on Board Sub-Committees appropriate to their skills and expertise.
2 Key responsibilities for Associate Board Director
2.1 To participate in the work of the Board and work corporately with the senior management of the CNHC.
2.2 To attend key Board meetings, and sub-committee(s) as deemed appropriate by the Chairman and the rest of the Board.
2.3 To contribute to the development of the CNHC’s strategy and exercise appropriate oversight over the execution of the CNHC agreed strategy.
2.4 To constructively challenge the performance of the CNHC, and support senior management in operational matters as appropriate, acting as a critical friend.
2.5 To ensure the CNHC continues to deliver on it’s prime responsibility to protect the public and is managed in the best interests of the public.
2.6 To support the CNHC’s collaboration and integration with other groups both within and outside the organisation.
2.7 The role will be reviewed after 12 months.